This day last year, I had a pretty scary day. I lost my job three days shy of my wedding. I didn't just lose it in a normal way, I lost it in a really dramatic way. Those who need to know the details do, but just know that it's a hell of a story.
I was so angry about it for a number of months. I was scared and bitter and unsure about what the future was going to hold. Then, miraculously, things started falling into place.
I found a job that seemed like it was tailor made for me. I had to move from the city I'd grown to know as home, but it was too great an opportunity to turn down. The move set in motion Justin finding the perfect job for him. From there we moved into an apartment and began the crazy journey into home-ownership. We now own our home, love our jobs, and live in a place where we have no shortage of family and friends within a short drive (or in some cases a walk) away.
My life has gone from up in the air to settled and comfortable. I feel like in Wilmington, our lives always were surrounded by a question mark. Now I see a clear path. If I do what I do for the rest of my career, I will be happy with that. I couldn't have said this about my previous job. Justin loves his job and works for a company and man that he respects, which is much more than he can say about the last guy. Though we're busier, we're more content.
So this is proof positive that sometimes when life hands you lemons, the lemonade is the end product whether you expect it or not. There is always a plan and purpose even if you can't see it at first. I have learned a valuable lesson through this and intend to keep this in mind while I sit back and sip on the lemonade my life has made for me!!
lemonade is tasty! ha