Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A little Thank You goes a long way.

I work for an organization that helps people. My role in this organization is to assist families experiencing homelessness in finding a home. This can be difficult work but it is always rewarding work.

Today was especially rewarding. It began as a normal day in which I was out and about at the various properties in which my clients reside while in our program. I arrived at our emergency shelter this afternoon after my lunch, tired and hoping that the afternoon would go by quickly. This all changed when I checked the mailbox. There was a blue envelope labeled with my name.

I opened this envelope to find a thank you card from a client who I recently assisted in findng a home. It had a personalized note stating how much I'd helped her. She went on to say how grateful she is that I was there to assist in finding she and her children a home. This brought instant tears to my eyes. Not that I need constant recognition for my work, but to know that someone took the time to be thankful reminded me of why I do what I do.

Someone's life has improved a little, because of something I did. That is enough for me. Hearing this from the person whose life was impacted just makes my heart feel extra full. I am grateful for that fullness today.


  1. Way to go Alicia! I am extremely proud of you!!!!

  2. I'm going to keep it in my desk drawer to read when I have a day that I feel like screaming.

  3. I am so proud to know that my child has this great love for people!
